Thursday, April 24, 2008

my little anarchist (in between my beauty magazines & my credit card bills)

All quiet on the crafting front (except the fact that I sold some patches at sunday's festival so that the cat & I can eat this week too). But I just had to post a picture of the Cutest Earrings Ever (is it still "earrings" even though there's actually no rings involved?) that I bought last week:

Tiny little anarchist ponies! The best combination ever! But I'll have to re-design them a bit, I'm gonna add a longer chain between the hook and the ponies & then some pearls or other stuff. I promise to show the finished result later.

Anyway, today is april 24 which mean that it's World Day for Laboratory Animals - an international campaign day to end animal testing & promote cruelty free alternative methods. For those of you that for example have a craving for cool make up & feel like the non-tested alternatives are too "homemade" & goody two-shoes for you - check out Urban Decay & Hard Candy. They both even have certified vegan products, which mean that they also are totally free from animal ingredients.

(& here I should add a disclaimer about the evils of make up & the beauty industry that corrupt young girls - & older women's - minds so that they put all their energy & thought into fullfilling societys ideals about our bodys & representation. But I'm totally paralyzed after filling my head with glittery eye-shadow & glossy lipstick)

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