Thursday, October 14, 2010

we must stand unbroken, unbound & unashamed (this is what democracy looks like)

Design stolen from some left-wing poster I found on the internet & a quote from Johannes Anyuru, one of my favourite poets.

It's from a radio show he did this summer, where he talked about how his early poems from the late 90's were filled with a burning furious now. It was a time when we actually thought that another world was possible, that things not only could, but would change. I sort of feel like I need to be reminded of that feeling sometimes.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

museums are dead take a new art stance

I haven't really been feeling like crafting/stitching these last couple of weeks, but going through the pattern map on my laptop, I found this one that I think some of you might like. It gets to join the other patterns on the
DIY or DIE! page.

When stitched, it looks something like this:

In times like these, it feels good to listen to someone singing that hospital closure kills more than car bombs ever will.
