Sunday, February 10, 2008

cleanliness is next to godliness

I've had a pretty quiet weekend, just hanging out with friends & doing nothing of importance. Ended it with a day of laundry, cleaning & washing dishes today, don't think my home's been this clean in months... Such a perfect little housewife! But I've spent the evening finishing some patches that you can see above (once again, sorry for the crappy pictures - I don't own a proper digicam, just useing my cellphone & it dosen't get better than this). UPDATE: I changed the pic on the right, at least this isn't THAT bad.

The pattern for the one on the left is courtesy of Cross Stitch Ninja & you can find it at Radical Cross Stitch.

& all of you who live in Stockholm, don't forget that tomorrow is the demonstration against the privatization & gentrification of our city (more info here). Be there or be a spineless liberal!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

words are loaded pistols (sartre x 2)

Sorry for the lack of updates here, I'll try & do better in the future. even if I haven't finished an embroidery or anything, I could try & write about other stuff going on. Anyway, I just got home from Skövde, the tiny town where my father is moving to start his new job as cheif of the Culture House (apparently the oldest one in Sweden!). So today we packed his stuff (well not all of it - actually just stuff, no furniture) & drowe down to install him in his new basement apartment (we call it "the crypt"). & of course I've made a housewarming gift for him - yes it's finished, the fantastic gift that I've been mentioning here a couple of times & bragged about to my friends. Well, it's been finished for a while but I didn't dare post it here in case my dad would see it, 'cause that would spoile the suprise. So here it is:

The pattern is from Finland & I found it in a book with old eastern-european cross stitch patterns that I bought last summer at a small shop in Borgholm (Öland - one of the islands on the eastcoast of Sweden). The quote is from Jean Paul Sartre's book Nausea & says: and then there are idiots who can find comfort in art (can't find the exact translation to english right now). The funny part about this is of course that ART is just what my father is working with, so I'm really looking forward to seeing this on the wall of his new office. & also, it's sort of a comment to all middle age, middle class, male ARTISTS that are so full of themselfes & their great contribution to society...

& this is how happy my dad was for the gift:

Just relized that I've actually forgotten to post an embroidery here - one that I made last summer as a birthday gift for a friend. It's another Sartre quote, maybe the most famous one, so you get it as a little bonus.
