I've had a pretty quiet weekend, just hanging out with friends & doing nothing of importance. Ended it with a day of laundry, cleaning & washing dishes today, don't think my home's been this clean in months... Such a perfect little housewife! But I've spent the evening finishing some patches that you can see above (once again, sorry for the crappy pictures - I don't own a proper digicam, just useing my cellphone & it dosen't get better than this). UPDATE: I changed the pic on the right, at least this isn't THAT bad.
The pattern for the one on the left is courtesy of Cross Stitch Ninja & you can find it at Radical Cross Stitch.
& all of you who live in Stockholm, don't forget that tomorrow is the demonstration against the privatization & gentrification of our city (more info here). Be there or be a spineless liberal!